Have you ever applied for passport but not issued?

Hi, my passport renewal application was rejected by ckgs due to incorrect government form. I’ve to reapply.

While applying NRI form what should I need to enter for the question HAVE YOU EVER APPLIED FOR PASSPORT, BUT NOT ISSUED? YES or NO.

Do I need to answer based on my renewal rejection?

If I select YES it needs file number, date of issue details. What is that file number , date of issue means?

Pls clear this issue. Thanks.

You should answer ‘No’ to this question as your application has been rejected due to wrong filling of form.

Passport not issued is a case where Indian embassy would have rejected issuing passport to you based on some other reason.

Thank you very much. Need one more clarification. If I have entered my INDIA address for the address to be printed on passport , should I provide my mobile number ( residing in USA) or my father’s number who residing at INDIA address? If I give my mobile number, For police verification whom do they contact ? Because of my previous rejection I have so many doubts.

You can provide your US contact number for your contact information.

For Indian addresses, provide Indian phone numbers.

Thanks for your quick response.